

Practice yoga with us – Brno 2019

FREE YOGA CLASSES IN NATURE Park Lužánky, Brno Practice yoga with us - Brno 2019 16.6. – 11.8.2018 Every Sunday at 5 p.m. Yoga Federation of Europe continues with a long-term program directed onpromotion and affirmation of healthy lifestyle and yoga as a sport for all among citizens, implementing a program called “PRACTICE YOGA WITH US”. [...]

Yoga at Kampa Park – Practice yoga with us 2019

FREE YOGA CLASSES IN NATURE  YOGA AT KAMPA PARK, PRAGUE 1 PRACTICE YOGA WITH US 2018 9.6. – 25.8.2019  Every Sunday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.  Yoga Federation of Europe continues with a long-term program directed onpromotion and affirmation of healthy lifestyle and yoga as a sport for all among citizens, implementing a program called [...]

Yoga at Kampa Park – Practice yoga with us 2018

FREE YOGA CLASSES IN NATURE  YOGA AT KAMPA PARK, PRAGUE 1 PRACTICE YOGA WITH US 2018 3.6. – 16.9.2018  Every Sunday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.  Yoga Federation of Europe continues with a multi-year program directed on promotion and affirmation of healthy lifestyle and yoga as a sport for all among citizens, implementing a program called “PRACTICE [...]

2018-11-30T19:43:42+00:00May 2nd, 2018|Categories: Activities 2018, Activity, Aktivity v roce 2018, Projects, Projekty, Uncategorized|

Mobility Project – student and yoga instructor exchange

MOBILITY – STUDENT AND YOGA INSTRUCTOR EXCHANGE MSYFE – Mobility Servce of Yoga Federation of Europe The Yoga Federation of Europe has put into action a new service in order to encourage mobility, i.e., student and yoga instructor "exchange". Exchange will be conducted using the principle of reciprocity. The applicants will be guests staying with [...]

2018-11-30T19:48:42+00:00May 1st, 2018|Categories: Activities 2018, Aktivity v roce 2018, Projects, Projekty|
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