MSYFE – Mobility Servce of Yoga Federation of Europe
The Yoga Federation of Europe has put into action a new service in order to encourage mobility, i.e., student and yoga instructor “exchange”. Exchange will be conducted using the principle of reciprocity. The applicants will be guests staying with students or yoga instructors for approximately 10 days.
Those who meet the conditions can submit an application form in order to participate in the exchange program.
The goal of this mobility project is to increase expertise via mobility: by meeting other yoga instructors and getting to know the unique methods of their work, as well as by gaining unforgettable friendship within the cultural ambience of various European countries. The applicants will get to know and compare similarities and differences in approach and interpretation of yoga.
In the spirit of humanness and respecting diversity, getting to know and to understand different approaches in the field of yoga can enrich your experience and contribute to personal proficiency.
The project ensures support for yoga teaching students and yoga instructors in order for them to gain the skill and competence needed to perform within their professional field in the best possible way.
The friendships realized during the exchange provide and promote additional apprenticeship possibilities for students and young yoga instructors willing to gain skill and competence needed to perform activities in the field of yoga. The Mobility Project creates synergy between academic and professional experience acquired abroad.
The task of the YFE is to provide a service which will lead to an increase in student and yoga instructor mobility throughout Europe.
Guest – student or yoga instructor applying for exchange provided by the host.
Host – person offering to be the first exchange host.
During the exchange the yoga student will attend a minimum of 2 yoga classes in the school of the host student.
During the exchange yoga instructors will attend a minimum of 1 yoga class in the yoga studio of the host, with the obligation to present their knowledge during the second class – in front of the host and his/her practitioners.
General conditions for attending student and yoga instructor exchange: 
– only adults can attend (18+)
– only students of yoga teacher training can apply for student exchange
– only yoga instructors from EU countries with national certificate can apply for yoga instructor exchange
– applicants must guaranty for the safety of the exchange participant they are host to
– exchange participants must be from different European countries
– each participant can take part in the exchange project only once a year
– only students and yoga instructors which can provide a reciprocal visit (reciprocity) can take part in the exchange program
Accommodation, meals and travel conditions
The hosts provide:
– basic accommodation standards: bed, cleanliness, heating and all the necessary amenities (electricity, internet, water).
– food
MSYFE – Mobility Service of Yoga Federation of Europe is free of charge.
If you wish to send an offer, we will make it public.
The exchange participants come into contact via Skype and go over the exchange conditions in detail. As soon as an agreement is reached you are to report to the YFE in order to sign an exchange program contract in which you will, among other things, provide a mutual guarantee concerning participant safety and arranged conditions of the exchange.