Nada yoga is a path that teaches using sound to reach higher level of consciousness. Applicants learn about the secret knowledge concerning the creative force of sounds within us and of those surrounding us. Nada yoga is a powerful tool for personal improvement. For centuries it has been passed on from nada yoga teacher to students by means of “sound initiation”.

Result: Yoga instructors adopt nada yoga knowledge discovering the secret vibrating dimensions of existence. Yoga instructors gain experience concerning the subtle “pranava” sounds, as well as their application in work with practitioners.

Nada yoga

Applications will be received until group is complete. The number of available places in the group is limited.

As soon as the group is formed, time and place of the event will be forwarded to all applicants.

The seminar will be held on weekends.

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Get additional information via phone/Viber: +420 773 691 858

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